The Challenge is an optional sequence of puzzles hidden deep inside the mountain on The Witness’ big island. Spoiler warning, in case you didn’t think an article about The Challenge was going to explain what The Challenge is.

After dozens of attempts and five days of failing to clear it, I wasn’t enjoying it much either. “Am I the only one that thinks the Challenge is a really bad idea?” someone wrote on Reddit a couple of weeks ago, saying it seemed out of place. Then I hit The Challenge, the toughest thing in The Witness and probably the most divisive, too. I’d already finished 602 of the game’s puzzles, already reviewed the game glowingly, already tried to convince friends to play it, already wondered to myself if it’d be my favourite game of the year. I’d written to Blow at the ebb of my enthusiasm for The Witness, the virtual island of puzzles he and his small team at Thekla Inc had crafted over the past several years. Maybe I needed to relax and do other things and come back to it in a week. Maybe this section just wasn’t for me, I told him over email. He was helping me make peace with the fact that I might not be able to clear it either.
#The witness puzzle solutions mountain Ps4
“This piece of the game is supposed to be difficult,” the game designer Jonathan Blow recently said to me as we discussed the hardest puzzle in The Witness, the so-called bonus “Challenge” that only 3.3 per cent of PS4 players and 4 per cent of PC players have managed to complete.